Depressed Mirror…!

Posted: September 22, 2016 in Uncategorized

Mirror explains my depressions.

Image result for depression

  1. Sha'Tara says:

    At least you’re not depressed, the mirror is. Solution? Turn it facing the wall. Which brings up a line, “Mirror, mirror facing the wall, who’s the most depressed of all?” To which the mirror reflecting blankness replies nary a word.

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  2. Embrace the mirror as a section of yourself. We all have mirrors in which we hide behind. Let each of those stand tall as we need them to continue through society. Remember though, through all of this, not to lose sight of who you truly are. Have multiple mirror to live day to day, but have a pocket sized mirror with your inner being close to your heart.

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  3. Definitely understanding how you feel.

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